雨季Rainy Season

Jul 12,2022

#iphone 摄影 #365天摄影计划 #审美积累 #手机壁纸 #夏天 #调色 #摄影日常

#iphone 摄影 #365天摄影计划 #审美积累 #手机壁纸 #夏天 #调色 #摄影日常

#iphone 摄影 #365天摄影计划 #审美积累 #手机壁纸 #夏天 #调色 #摄影日常

#iphone 摄影 #365天摄影计划 #审美积累 #手机壁纸 #夏天 #调色 #摄影日常


This year’s rainy season lasted for more than 2 months and finally stopped.

It’s Sunshine now, and every day I could hear the chirping of cicadas and birds, and I could smell the fragrance of flowers outside the window.

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Posted in 01 Photography摄影, 01-1 Life Record | 雨季Rainy Season已关闭评论

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Like traveling,Cooking,Photography,drawing wechat:simpleslife1
