Tag Archives: flower


Mar 25,2024

365天摄影计划;记录生活;浪漫生活的记录者; 365天摄影计划;记录生活;浪漫生活的记录者;

#鲜花 #一束花的浪漫 #每周一花 #鲜花分享 #贩卖美好 #今日限定浪漫 #花 #浪漫惊喜 #浪漫生活记录 #生活中的小美好 #365天摄影计划 #摄影 #生活#在平凡日子里热爱生活 #审美 #365审美积累


Feb 27,2024




flower photography photos dailylife flower photography photos dailylife flower photography photos dailylife flower photography photos dailylife flower photography photos dailylife flower photography photos dailylife

花 Flower | 理光

Oct 25,2023



A company’s creative advertised idea,sent a flower to people,a small advertisement was posted on the flower’s packaging bag.


Flowers 花 photography 摄影

Nov 4,2018

There are various of Flowers in the Flower Market in Guangzhou.

I admire the workers can work with the flowers everyday,can enjoy the flowers everyday.

And they are more cheaper than other flower stores,lots of people buy the flowers from the Flower Market.

It’s really great.

Red Color Flower photography 摄影

Mar 16,2018

It’s funny and interested when I saw some different color photos online.

So I want to take photos of different color materials like them.

Flowers,Cedar pictures photography 摄影

Mar 15,2018

When I stayed at home and found these beautiful plants,so I took some photos of them.